Monday 25 March 2019

Kria the Huntress

Kria the Hurtress, Esher Bounty Hunter.
It is very fun to paint Esher so I want to do more Esher minis (and maybe a whole gang) in the future.

Painted as gift to my good friend and nice sculptor Alexandre Dumillard

Sunday 17 March 2019

Rawhide Dame

This KD miniature was painted a few months ago, but I did not post it before.

Friday 15 March 2019

One more Iron Warrior

Legionnary Geronis - vexilary of the2nd tactical squad 3rd line company XCV Grand Batallion. 15th painted Iron Warrior for my "IW infantry section" project. 11 is still left.
Same colors as in the recent time, painted by Pacific88 Art-Color paints.