Monday 27 June 2016

Malifaix Mondays #7 and #8

Malifaux Mondays episodes 7 and 8

Episode 7: Sebastian

Episode 8: Crooked Man
 And a grey skin recipe.
US Olive drab (VMC) + basic skinyone (VPA) for base. Highlight with basic skintone and when pale sand (VMC)

Monday 13 June 2016

Malifaux Monday. Again.

Malifaux Monday for everyone!

This time I am glad to introduce to you a nasty guy. I think no one wish to  meet him on the dark street.
I tried to paint him in limited palette, less saturate than commonly. I hope it will work.

Monday 6 June 2016

Malifaux Monday

Salut tout le monde!
Aujourd'hui est le lundi, ce qui signifie le temps pour le Malifux_Lundi!
Dans ce numéro: Rafkin et Samurai

Good news everyone!
There is the time for Malifaux_Monday!
Today I am very glad to introduce to you two gentlemen: Rafkin and the Samuai

Rafkin. Spécialiste en embaumement des cadavres, ainsi que l'administration des ennemis. Par ailleurs, je dois aussi ce type d'un scalpel;-)

His specialty is body preservation, mummification and poisons. By the way, I am also have this kind of scalpel in my kitchen ;-) 

 Samurai. Il est grand, il est fort, et il a  le fusil de Gatling!

Samurai. He is big, he is strong, and  he have a  Gatling gun!