
Friday, 31 August 2012

A sample of woman skin. Tutorial.

   We (Ringil and River) have a wonderful tutorial - one sample of painting woman skin. It was written about 2 years ago. Yes, it's quite simple without any color nuances (we've grew enough since this time). But this is a short story of our meeting and joint activities as two artists :). And may be it will be useful for someone else. I don't want to lose it as a good memory so I'm publishing it in our Serpentarium.
Russian variant of this tutorial you can find here.

So, lets go:

"We have no delusions of grandeur.
, Great, aren't  sufferring of it. "

Please refer to the written with a great deal of humor and an understanding of our small drawback (choice of color combinations, for example).

River and Ringil:
We've  decided to make one's mark and write a short story for the purpose of PR and the advancement of our person in the «Artist of the Year 2010" voting.  It's a joke, of couse. But you know, every joke has some joke indeed.

One day I needed to get a picture of my Valerochka  for the "Infinity" competition but my old camera was absolutely broken. So I've got a brilliant idea – to  ask for help my opponent in this competition who makes good pics.
Nadia  responded on my request quickly and with pleasure and at the next day I had got good pics, a delicious lunch and a decision to make cooperative project in the field of painting miniatures.
We met again just in a couple of days with two miniatures, ready for painting.

So, the
Artist came to me and offered to do something together. I was really in awe of Valeriya and, of course, I wanted to paint such kind of soft skin by my  hands. So, a choice fell on miniatures with naked parts of the body. And here, I think, I surpassed my teacher selecting Eduhin (Enigma) with a minimum amount of armor. Marina chose Ar-Fienel (Studio McVey).

We recorded the process of painting the skin of our ladies.  Well, then you will see some pics of finished works (when they finally appear).

Most guides
of painting skin are based on the warm brown skin tone color scheme. Marina shocked me with her technique of painting skin from ... purple. This should give to skin this soft pink color. And it was so interesting experiment!

Well. This
was all background. And now the case ...
The skin on both miniatures was made with only two colors - Lich Purple and Elf Flesh (GW). And for the final highlights on Fienel I used Pearly Flesh (Rakham).
The miniatures were prepared - cleaned, assembled, primed (Idea Spray light gray).
Then the first base layer was mixed: Lich Purple + Elf Flesh  about 30 : 70  + water. The paint should be enough liquid to put an even layer. After drying the first layer we made another one. It's  important to put a paint evenly and gently, without stains and thick brush strokes.  It is better to cover it with a  few layers of the same color and thereby achieve a uniformly dense and smooth surface, than to do it at once by thick-thick layer of «chocolate».
Further, Elf Flesh was gradually added  in the base mix.  The final highlights were made with pure Elf Flesh. For the archer I did one additional layer with mix Elf Flesh + Pearly Flesh.
You can see almost all steps of highlighting on the pictures. However, a poor quality of some images are not allowed to add to the collage "steps" 5 and 6 - which of course we were passed between step 4 and the final .

At the end of
highlights  I've decided to add some darkeness at shadows. It  was done with the help of several layers of glazing with Dark Flesh.

River and Ringil:
An here are our finished works:
We are ready to answer your questions if you'll have it.
And yes, the prehistory turned greater than the tutorial ... But this is our first cooperative  creation!


  1. Yes I remember it very well. Good and big job.
    But what a different color scheme? More cold maybe?

    1. I don't understand what you mean. Other work we did separately, so we've got different color schemes. Now I see a main problem in my Eduhin - cold hair, it should be warm. And I would add a little cold colors (green or blue) in the skin shadows, of course.

    2. При встречи пожалуюсь на жизнь)))

  2. Something old gets a second life. Cool.

  3. Народ, я чувствую себя совершенно отсталой - вы так шпарите на аглицком! Надя вообще статьи толпами переводит, вы очень вариативно отвечаете в комментах. Одна я с помощью гугл-переводчика изредка могу пару слов перевести осмысленно.
    ужас! надо идти учить язык

    1. Дык вот я и шпарю... гуглтранслейтом)
      Надо, думаю, родной вариант вставлять... А то мы пока друг с другом на англиЦком... глупо как-то, но охренительно конечно перспективно! =)))

    2. Маришка, все это тренировка. Я тоже год назад, когда блог начинала, еле связывала пару слов, мне свекровь помогала с переводом. И сейчас-то ошибок дофигища, но что уж делать...

    3. вот както так. надо будет завтра обсудить про перспективы. и концепции.
      и действительно, поддержу Надю, - у тебя есть готовая статья про базы. Что ты там такое хочешь поменять и улучшить - наверняка ВСЁ? может стоит выложить готовое, а потом написать совсем другую статью расширенную, дополненную, улучшенную?

    4. `упал на пол ржет`
      ну да... ВСЕ... а что?...
      В первую очередь поменять фотки, а это надоб свой фотик заиметь. Во вторых четкую концепцию конечного результат, чтоб было однозначна видно - "да это хорошо и хорошо весьма".
      Может попробую на ваять, что-то по деталировке, обещал же...

  4. Great article! I just found out this blog and I really like it! I just started on Ar-fienel myself, just wished I found this blog a few day´s ago;) I will surly try this way of painting skin!

  5. great tutorial, thanks.
    The idea is super, but it's not for me. I couldn't make it work, so I had to strip and repaint the mini, where I tried it.
    I just simply paint too differently to use it effectively.
