
Sunday, 2 April 2017

Blast from the past: Raging Heroes test minis

As you know, I worked for a year and a half as a box art painter for the Raging Heroes TGG project. As a result, I painted 98 miniatures, most of which have already been published on the Raging Heroes website (and on the miniature boxes you bought).It was a wonderful time and a very interesting project, and I'm very glad that I became a part of it all.
Separately, I want to thank Marina (Ringil), without her help it would be impossible.

In addition to those miniatures that have become box-arts I also painted several test miniatures, photos of which no one saw. And now I want to show you two of these miniatures, which remained with me after the end of the project.
I'm going to sell these miniatures to rise funds for my own miniature projects.


  1. This is a different painting. Have you done it in 4D or 3D? The character looks like a blend of a bear and a dinosaur. Good work!

  2. This miniature is so perfect and gorgeous. I loved that you have shown almost all the positions of this miniature. i wish i could buy it. Because i am great fan of arts.
