
Monday, 6 June 2016

Malifaux Monday

Salut tout le monde!
Aujourd'hui est le lundi, ce qui signifie le temps pour le Malifux_Lundi!
Dans ce numéro: Rafkin et Samurai

Good news everyone!
There is the time for Malifaux_Monday!
Today I am very glad to introduce to you two gentlemen: Rafkin and the Samuai

Rafkin. Spécialiste en embaumement des cadavres, ainsi que l'administration des ennemis. Par ailleurs, je dois aussi ce type d'un scalpel;-)

His specialty is body preservation, mummification and poisons. By the way, I am also have this kind of scalpel in my kitchen ;-) 

 Samurai. Il est grand, il est fort, et il a  le fusil de Gatling!

Samurai. He is big, he is strong, and  he have a  Gatling gun!


  1. That is the exact color scheme I've been looking for that you used in the Samurai! What colors did you use for the brass armor?

    Great work by the way!

    1. Thank you Ryan! For brass I used same colors as on IE girls from Raging Heroes.
      "Base mix Black + Amarantha Red (VMC) used in darkest parts and shadows. I add more Amarantha red for highligting. In mid tones I add the drop of Scrofulous Brown (VGC) to base mix.
      After that I add the Ratskin Flesh (GW) to previous mix for hightligths and White in latest stages."
      Depends of balance between orange, scorfulous brown and ratskin flesh you can get dark or bright bronze, yellow bronze, brass or red copper. Try the different variants.

    2. Thank you so much for sharing! NMM Brass is a tough one to get right, I'm getting more of a rust color when I try it by guessing colors.

    3. Totally agree, "bronze" NMM for me far tough than "steel".
