
Friday, 27 June 2014

The Transporter

Life isn`t so simply and understandable as on first look.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Chaos Warriors army

   One more project of army for beautiful game - Chaos Warriors army on the landscape with ghost demons. And the first unit is, of course, the Chaos Warriors ).

Monday, 16 June 2014

"To beer or not to be"

Доброго времени суток! 
Эта работа двух годичной давности, делал ее для конкурса Зимний Ангел 2012. Все хотелось ее "пропатчить и заапдейтить", вот руки дошли.
Нанюшка от Microartstudio, пузан от Hasslefree. Крысы готовые (спасибо Иже;)) птицы и два пьяных тела самолепные. Утварь частично покупная, частично самодельная. 

Good day! 
This work was made two year ago. I did it for the event/competition "Winter Angel 2012". 
From that time I want to make it "bigger and better", and now ufff..... all done. 
Nany from Microartstudio, Fat Man from Hasslefree, rats also were bought (thanks Ija;)), birds and two "drunken body" is my sculpt. 

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Space Eldar army: Autarch on jetbike

Autarch on jetbike. I started to work on him during The Space tutorial and now he has all options that his owner wanted.
And this is not last piece in Space Eldar army )))

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Female commissar

Female commissar from Warforge.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Ajax and Atalanta with spotbot

Some new warriors for commission Infinity Aleph army.